Notpla Pearls

Notpla Pearls

A unique substitute to single-use plastic packaging (like toothpaste tubes) that is edible and dissolves in water…right along with the toothplaste.
Notpla Rigid

Notpla Rigid

Made from fibrous by-product of industrially processed seaweed that dissolves in water in just a few hours and can fertilize plants! Can be molded into wide range of shapes Ideal for primary packaging.
Notpla Pipette

Notpla Pipette

Designed to give controlled pouring – Pipette is compostable option to replace single-use plastic for edible oils…like salad dressing, etc.
Notpla Compostable Sauce Sachet

Notpla Compostable Sauce Sachet

No more single use ketchup sachets – now a plastic-free solution for sauces, condiments and salad dressings in the food service industry. Amazing!
Notpla Ooha Single Use Plastics

Notpla Ooha Single Use Plastics

An edible bubble designed to replace single-use plastic packaging for liquids! Can be eaten or thrown away in a home compost, where it will disappear withing a few weeks – just like a fruit peel.